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You are free to link to any of the Global Schoolhouse(c) or Global SchoolNet(c) web pages for free, non-commercial educational use, provided you preserve the original credits and copyright on each page. By linking to us, you agree to adhere to our Terms and Conditions

Save a copy of the button or banner from the samples (right):

  • Click the right mouse button (PC) or click and hold the mouse button (MAC) on the image you wish to use.
  • Select the "Save this image as" option.
  • Save it in the directory (or folder) you desire.
  • Or, click here to download a high resolution GSN logo for printing (11 MB).

If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, please to send us email.

Small GSN Logo


Large GSN Logo


Small GSN Promotional Image


Another Small GSN Promotional Image